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  北京中医医院心血管科秉承50年来的学术发展道路,已发展成为集医教研一体,拥有专台门诊、名老中医继承门诊、普通病房、重症监护病房、心功能室、心导管室、心血管研究室、流行病学研究室、教研实训室的综合性科室。目前是国家临床重点专科,国家中医药管理局“十一五、十二五”重点专科及重点学科,北京市中医重点专科、重点学科,首都医科大学心脏病学系组成单位。   心血管科既具有传统中医药治疗特色,又拥有最先进... 展开

  Beijing Chinese medicine hospital, cardiovascular division adhering to the academic development road for 50 years, has developed into sets YiJiaoYan into an organic whole, have designed the clinic, name old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance outpatient, cardiovascular science room, wards and intensive care unit, and cardiac function heart international, cardiovascular research, the epidemiology research, teaching and research training rooms comprehensive department, is the key specialties of the Ministry of Health, the national administration of traditional Chinese medicine "11th five-year plan, the 12th five-year" key specialist and key disciplines, key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine, the key discipline of Beijing, the capital medical university department of heart disease composition unit.
  ovascular division has both the motherland traditional Chinese medicine treatment characteristics, and has the most advanced modern diagnosis and treatment equipment, can provide the Chinese and western medicine for patients with double protection. Cardiovascular division has a higher academic influence, skilled professional team, equipped with obstruction of XinTongBing, vertigo disease, heart failure disease, blood turbid, heart palpitations, collateral and interventional treatment etc multiple ZhuanBing designed with TCM characteristics. Owns three oneself and mixture of arteries and veins, replenishing qi and the adjustable pulse mixture and element curative effect of yiqi huoxue capsule and such remarkable characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine hospital preparations. In order to improve the clinical curative effect , Cardiology give full play to the advantages of TCM prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, service wholeheartedly for the general patients.

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就诊医生:胡俊霞副主任医师 患者印象:医术高明/诊疗严谨/认真负责

就诊医生:陶云副主任医师 患者印象:医德高尚/热情待人/仁医仁术

就诊医生:马一兵主任医师 患者印象:认真负责/态度和蔼/待病人和善

就诊医生:滕秀香主任医师 患者印象:认真负责/热情待人/待人可亲
专科医院 推荐医院 周边医院


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